1. Checks MUST be received by April 12th 2015. Any checks received after this date will be considered late, resulting in a $10 per player fee. To avoid, put your check in the mail at least 7 days prior to the deadline.
2. Returned checks will be subject to a $35 returned check fee.
3. Late payments will be accepted by mail, or online, from April 13th - April 18th, a $10 per player late fee will be required. Players that pay April 19th or beyond will be required to pay $65.00 to participate (due to the fact that their jersey will have to be picked up and delivered separately).
4. If you are unable to print the "Registration & Jersey Order Form", just include a piece of paper with the following information, "laid-out" in the format below:
Location You're Playing At:
Team Name:
Team Color Code:
Player Name, Player Number, Jersey Size, Total Player cost.
(Also, be sure to include applicable fees for jersey upgrades, additional characters which are $1 each, and an extra $3 for players that need a 2XL and larger)