Springfield Division

Team captains are encouraged to mail in their payments as far in advance as possible. Jersey colors & styles, as well as special requests on schedules and game times, are honored based on the order that your payments are received. If your team wants a particular color, needs games that start early/late, or needs a bye on a particular day, you need to get your payments in ASAP; as we have a lot of teams requesting the popular jersey colors, and also a ton of special requests in regard to the schedule. Due to scheduling dynamics, only a limited number of special requests will be honored.

Step 1: Collect payments from your players.
Step 2: Deposit payments into your checking account.
Step 3: Write a Single Team Check Payable to Kickball STL. No Cash
Step 4: Write the Team Name & Location in the check "memo".

Step 5 Print the Registration Form at the bottom of this page.
Step 6: Mail Check & Registration Form to:
              Kickball STL: (put the division that you're playing at)
              2719 Adobe Dr.
              Imperial MO 63052

Payment Due Dates & Policies:
1. Checks MUST be received by April 12th 2015. Any checks received after this date will be considered late, resulting in a $10 per player fee. To avoid, put your check in the mail at least 7 days prior to the deadline. 

2. Returned checks will be subject to a $35 returned check fee.

3. Late payments will be accepted by mail, or online, from April 13th - April 18th,
a $10 per player late fee will be required. Players that pay April 19th or beyond will be required to pay $65.00 to participate (due to the fact that their jersey will have to be picked up and delivered separately).

4. If you are unable to print the "Registration & Jersey Order Form", just include a piece of paper with the following information, "laid-out" in the format below:

Location You're Playing At:
Team Name:
Team Color Code:

Player Name, Player Number, Jersey Size, Total Player cost.

(Also, be sure to include applicable fees for jersey upgrades, additional characters which are $1 each, and an extra $3 for players that need a 2XL and larger)
Registration & Jersey Order Form: