Team Registration
Registering is Free, No Obligation!
The first step to registering a team is to select a team captain.
 Team captains organize the team by choosing players, organinzing payments, and making gametime decisions. To show our appreciation, Kickball STL will grant the captain free entry into the league, as long as they have 13 paid players by the first payment deadline. Teams that do not have 13 players paid will be required to pay for "Substitute" players in order to reach the 13 player requirement. If you would like us to e-mail you complete registration information just fill out the form below.

Thanks for Submitting your info!

Next, click on the facebook image below and "Like" the Kickball STL fan page! This will allow you to receive up-to-the-minute league information such as deadlines, rainouts, and any new league developments!